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Get A Cash Offer The Same Day

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In Most Cases We Are Able To Make A Cash Offer Within 12 Hours of Collecting Property Details.

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We Buys Houses Anywhere Throughout Central Texas and The Corpus Christi Area In Any Condition

We Are Proud To Be One of The Top Rated Home Buyers In Texas.

If You Are Thinking About Selling A Home in Texas, Give Us A Call Today!

ACF Development Group LLC BBB Business Review

Listing Vs Selling to ACF

Selling Your House for Cash With ACF Buys Homes, LLC. vs. Selling With A Local TX Agent

  • We Will Beat Any Written Cash Offer!*

  • Free Local Move!*

Are You Looking To Sell Your Central Texas or Corpus Christi Area House?
We Have A Simple Buying Process.

Have you had trouble selling with an agent or want to sell on a faster timeline? We can help. (The truth is that selling a property through a realtor is not for everyone.)

And, here are some perks:

  • No need to clean or repair the property because we’ll buy it as is!
  • There is no need to waste time trying to find an agent and hoping they are trustworthy. We’ll buy your house quickly and for cash.
  • You can avoid signing any contracts forcing you to work with a specific agent.
  • Avoid filling out and filing all the normal agent paperwork to get a fair offer quickly and easily.

It won’t take us long to review your property and determine an offer in cash for your house. The best part is, there are no agents and if we decide to move on your property, there is no delay or issue with financing because we’re prepared to pay cash for your house.

Why use an agent when you know that it may take months before they close the deal when there is no guarantee it will even pan out? What’s more, you run the risk of being out fees and your own time. Wouldn’t it be easier to be free of the hassle of an unwanted property in as little as 7 days?

Corpus Christi | Georgetown | Round Rock | Killeen | Pflugerville | Temple | Waco | Anywhere in Central Texas

[Same Day Offer]

We buy houses throughout Central & South Texas Area fast for cash in any condition. The offer is free and there is no obligation to find out how much your property is worth. Start below by giving us a few details on about your property or call (512) 883-0767

Find Out How Much Your House Is Worth Today

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